our services

all sessions:

hold a nondual view of reality that understands our fundamental baseline, who and what we ultimately are, as innately and naturally just right, good, and whole;

are in the service maximizing a client’s ability to perceive, experience, and savor their own innate wisdom, kindness, and pleasure as gateways to healing; and to becoming healing presences in the world; 

are somatically and kinesthetically oriented, holding the human body as a vast and precious reservoir of wisdom, insight, and intelligence;

are conscious of the ‘more-than-human’ world, acknowledging that reality in its fullest sense carries vast multitudes of resource and intelligence, which includes human consciousness, and human incarnation, but is not limited by it; 

are trauma informed, culturally-sensitive, affirming of all backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender expressions, and strive to be vigilant in the face of archetypal forms of oppression and white supremacy.

Nondual Kabbalistic Healing

Nondual Kabbalistic Healing opens communication between different aspects of our inner and outer world that invites a radical shift in consciousness: an embodied experience of the potency of life behind our dualistic perceptions of here and there, pleasure and pain, sickness and health, joy and sorrow. Each healing opens a portal to the direct experience of reality’s wholeness to participate in what is needed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Embodied Wellsprings

To find freedom, and experience pleasure, is first and foremost a process of cultivating a new relationship with the body as it is. Even in the face of suffering and pain, we learn to relate to our body in a way not wholly dictated by suffering and pain. Ultimately, these sessions guide the client in developing a way of perceiving and relating to the body in such a way that wholeness, presence, and pleasure become palpable moving realities that can continually be returned to as a source of support and healing.

Creative & Contemplative Counsel

Creative Counsel offers an opportunity to ground and locate within our own innate wisdom, in order to receive guidance, clarity, and confidence on our life path. Whether a creative project, a deep question, a sense of ambivalence and vagueness about purpose and direction, or a particular struggle, these sessions help us face our challenges with fresh perspective and outlook, to serve the path ahead. These sessions also provide the chance to explore contemplative techniques.