About Creative Contemplative & Creative Counsel
Creative & Contemplative Counsel helps us face specific inquiries and challenges with fresh perspective and outlook, to serve the path ahead. Whether a creative project, a deep question, a sense of ambivalence and vagueness about purpose and direction, or a particular struggle we are facing, we allow what is alive and present to take a seat at the table, in the spirit of wonder and possibility.
Creative & Contemplative Counsel also supports the journey of spiritual and artistic practice, whether as a budding curiosity, or a well-treaded path.
These sessions provide the chance to explore contemplative techniques and methods, whether deemed ‘artistic,’ ‘psychological,’ ‘somatic’ or ‘spiritual,’ in order to encourage true integration, discovery, and newfound depths of exploration. If one is immersed and experienced in a contemplative practice, these sessions are occasions to explore personal inquiries, curiosities, and concerns, to unfold layers of somatic and yogic integration—whether in general, or in relationship to a specific tradition.
Creative & Contemplative Counsel may evolve into deeper healing and embodiment work, or serve as a portal to recommendations for other types of work, with practitioners in any number of modalities and traditions.